The Ultra Human Brand follows a science-meets-nature philosophy to strive to design, formulate and produce the most innovative and effective products for individuals wanting to consistently function at an Exceptional level. We NEVER compromise on our quality, our ethics, nor our deep rooted values. Our ‘soul’ purpose is to design a holistic ecosystem to help people harness their ‘Inner DaVinci’ and fulfill their greater potential. Together we can create and support an exceptional community of free thinkers, innovators, and achievers committed to overcoming any challenge and reaching the highest success.
Tell Us Your Story
We’re sure you have already done some amazing things… (and are likely just getting warmed up). Send us a paragraph sharing your story. Where you have been, where you are, and what journey you are embarking on to contribute. We would love to hear from you. If it’s unique and defines a True Ultra Human, your story will get featured in a series of our TAO Ultra Nootropic boxes and promoted on our media platforms. Sound fair? You’re a true Ultra Human and role model that can really inspire others, so we’d like to help share your message with the world!

Through our viable methods, products and content, our goal is to help you achieve massive UN-programming to help you achieve self-‘actual‘ization, clarity, authenticity, self-respect and confidence. Be the change. Let’s not talk about it, let’s be about it.
We are quite possibly the only company in the world to ever build supplements with no COG’s (cost of goods) in mind or considered. Our mission is to only make the Absolute Best, Period. Our products go through rigorous trials, have legal patents, are reviewed and signed off by a medical board, are built in an FDA approved facility in the USA, and are inspected and authenticated by a very picky Ultra Human team.
Wanna really make a dent in the Universe? Where do you go? Where do you start? Problem is that people are often only as good as the average of those they surround themselves with. Our team over here at Ultra Human all have their own stories of what they have overcome and endured, so our content and programs are designed to support you, not stifle you. When it comes to pursuing your goals, we understand the struggle and are committed to being here by your side, every step of the way. We believe in you when no one else does.

We offer advanced tools to help you succeed and get ahead in an ever evolving world. Adapt, migrate or die is our philosophy. More than ever people are becoming self-imprisoned by their identity and fear. Ultra Human is here to help you break though and spread your wings and fly.
Let’s start with asking an honest question… when our time is up on Earth, what will we have contributed? This is a key focal point of our company: To help others enjoy every moment in life, find their gift and contribute it. With our implemented One-To-One programs we want to help end epidemics such as global poverty and animal abuse. Our donations are batched and sent directly to the organization board to make a more immediate impact.
We are going to do whatever it takes to succeed together. Our philosophy is that nothing worth anything comes easy. Its work, persistence and going the distance.
Join Jason Dhir as he brings some of the world’s greatest Ultra Human’s together for short audio podcasts that you can enjoy anytime, anywhere. Jason has spent years perfecting his life’s work and is proud to share the stage with other entrepreneurs, artists, athletes, and world visionaries as they inspire, encourage and motivate you to become Ultra Human yourself.

I personally guarantee all Ultra Human products to be the utmost honest, ethical, and effective. Not only is Ultra Human one of the most advanced and effective series of products to ever be conceived on the market, but it’s also my life’s work. We stand strongly behind our products. If you are not completely satisfied for any reason with our products, we will refund 100% of your money back.

Jason Dhir, CEO & Founder, Ultra Human