Vinnie Dangerfield is a World Class Athlete, Entrepreneur and Public Speaker. He has always been inspired to grow and make a difference for people. He learned this at a very young age from training in Taekwondo to earn his third degree black Belt. He later pursued baseball, track & field, wrestling, rugby, bodybuilding and currently obstacle course racing, as new ways to push himself physically and mentally. His passion for wellness grew after his grandmother passed away from several health complications including diabetes and coronary artery disease. He made it his mission to lead a healthy and fulfilled life and inspire countless of others to do the same. Vinnie knew in order to do that, he needed to take his human nature to another level. That is when he began using Ultra Human products so that he could focus during work, have the stamina to train for his obstacle course races and recover fast so he could do it all over again. As CEO & Master Coach to Mezomorphx, a Fitness & Mindset Coaching business, Vinnie brings forth the next step in his client’s transformational wellness journey by redesigning and reinventing what it means to be an ultra human athlete physically and mentally. His vision is to create a world full of self-worth, peace and health. When Vinnie isn’t coaching or training, he enjoys spending his time volunteering for his fraternity, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, reading books, traveling and watching movies with his girlfriend.

“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”
-T.S. Eliot
“I don’t lose, either I win or learn.”
– Nelson Mandela
“Instead of thinking outside the Box, imagine if the box doesn’t exist.”
– Vinnie